Laura's Gift Vouchers
Thurs, Mar, 20th after maint.
to Thurs, Apr 17th 01:59 (UTC)
Martina's Secret Time Capsule
Mar 17th 03:00 to Apr 6th 14:59 (UTC)
Opens on March 20th!
Season 7 Roadmap
Check out the upcoming Season 7 changes!
S7 Webtoons
Don't miss out on these cute
stories about our Test Subjects!
Create your own!
넥슨 PC방 이벤트 시즌 6
PC방 이벤트에 참여해서
다양한 보상을 받아가세요!
2024 Season 6: Legion
Opens on December 5th
Season 6 Roadmap
Check out the upcoming Season 6 changes!
ER Newsletter Event VOL. 2
Check out Tia`s newest skin,
"Apprentice Witch Tia"!
Which of the 72 characters will be next in line for a new skin?
Cast your vote now!
Voting Schedule
Voting Period
Thurs, March 21st - Wed, April 24th 14:59 (UTC)
1st Round
Thurs, March 21st - Wed, March 27th 14:59 (UTC)
2nd Round
Tues, April 2nd - Wed, April 10th 14:59 (UTC)
Final Voting Schedule
Tues, April 16th - Wed, April 24th 14:59 (UTC)
01. Get Voting Tickets
Get Voting Tickets by completing
Daily and On-Repeat Mission
02. Vote For Your Favorite Character
Use your Voting Tickets
to cast your vote!
There's no vote limits so
participate as much as you want!
03. Claim Rewards
You can also get rewards
based on your playtime!
04. Voting Results
The top 3 voted characters
will get a new skin!
* Only 36 characters advanced to the 2nd Round.
* In the second round, these characters were divided in 12 groups.
* In the Final Round, only 12 characters remain. Who will be the most voted character?
The most voted character will get an Epic skin.
Additionally, a second skin will be designed for the most voted character
that doesn't have an Epic skin yet or at least one in the making.
The 2nd and 3rd most voted characters will get a Rare skin.
However, the skin rarity may be subject to change depending on the concept or release schedule.
Our goal is to release these skins simultaneously,
but their release timing will depend on the planned release dates of other skins.
If the most voted character already has an Epic skin in development,
we will schedule the release of this event's skin to occur no sooner than 4 Seasons
following the release of the Epic skin.
If the above (4) happens, priority will be given to creating the second Epic skin (1).
Voter :
In the final round, cast your vote for the character you hope to see win from each group!
For every daily and on-repeat mission you complete,
you'll get [1] voting ticket and up to 3 tickets, so you have the chance to cast one vote for each group!
Final Voting Tickets
Votes Cast
10Event NP
(7 Days)
Get [1] voting ticket for each daily and
on-repeat mission you complete, up to 3.
Vote in all 3 groups to get 10 Event NP!
Final Round In Progress
Time Left:
Final Voting - Character Selection
The most voted character from each group will be selected as the finalist.
The ranking of the finalists will be determined by the total number of votes
each one receives during this final round.
Group 1
Voting Tickets : 0
Voting Complete!
You've used all your voting tickets for this group.
Please vote for other candidates in other groups!
Option 01
Votes : 0
Option 02
Votes : 0
Option 03
Votes : 0
Option 04
Votes : 0
Group 2
Voting Tickets : 0
Voting Complete!
You've used all your voting tickets for this group.
Please vote for other candidates in other groups!
Option 01
Votes : 0
Option 02
Votes : 0
Option 03
Ly Anh
Votes : 0
Option 04
Debi & Marlene
Votes : 0
Group 3
Voting Tickets : 0
Voting Complete!
You've used all your voting tickets for this group.
Please vote for other candidates in other groups!
Option 01
Votes : 0
Option 02
Li Dailin
Votes : 0
Option 03
Votes : 0
Option 04
Votes : 0
Daily Missions
* Resets daily at 15:00 (UTC)
* In order to participate in the event and receive rewards,
you must log in to the "2024 Survivors' Choice" website at least once during the event period.
Mission 01
Play a Match(0/1)
Mission 02
Play for 60 mins(0/60)
Mission 03
Slay 15 Wild Animals (0/15)
Slay 10 Wild Animals (0/10)
Mission 04
Obtain 1,000 Credits(0/1000)
Obtain 500 Credits(0/500)
Mission 05
Eliminate 5 Test Subjects as a Team(0/5)
Eliminate 10 Test Subjects as a Team (0/10)
Mission 06
Survive in the Top 3 (0/1)
Win Once(0/1)
Special Daily Mission
10 Event NP (7 Days)
Vote for each group once! (0/3)
On-Repeat Mission
Get a Voting Ticket every 30 minutes of gameplay!
The more you play, the more Voting Tickets you get!
Total Playtime
My Voting Tickets
Playtime Gauge
Playtime Rewards
Skin Data Box Set
200 Event NP (7 Days)
10 Change Tokens
* Rewards for the On-Repeat Mission can only be claimed once during each voting round.
* Once you claim your rewards, they are delivered to your mailbox and you have 1 week to claim them.
Which of the 72 characters will be next in line for a new skin?
Cast your vote now!
You can check event details
on the official PC version homepage.