넥슨 PC방 이벤트 시즌 7
PC방 이벤트에 참여해서
다양한 보상을 받아가세요!
Lumia Academy Battle
Who will be the strongest team?
Laura's Gift Vouchers
Thurs, Mar, 20th after maint.
to Thurs, Apr 17th 01:59 (UTC)
Martina's Secret Time Capsule
Mar 17th 03:00 to Apr 6th 14:59 (UTC)
Opens on March 20th!
Season 7 Roadmap
Check out the upcoming Season 7 changes!
S7 Webtoons
Don't miss out on these cute
stories about our Test Subjects!
Create your own!
ER Newsletter Event VOL. 2
Check out Tia`s newest skin,
"Apprentice Witch Tia"!