넥슨 PC방 이벤트 시즌 7
PC방 이벤트에 참여해서
다양한 보상을 받아가세요!
Lumia Academy Battle
Who will be the strongest team?
Laura's Gift Vouchers
Thurs, Mar, 20th after maint.
to Thurs, Apr 17th 01:59 (UTC)
Martina's Secret Time Capsule
Mar 17th 03:00 to Apr 6th 14:59 (UTC)
Opens on March 20th!
Season 7 Roadmap
Check out the upcoming Season 7 changes!
S7 Webtoons
Don't miss out on these cute
stories about our Test Subjects!
Create your own!
ER Newsletter Event VOL. 2
Check out Tia`s newest skin,
"Apprentice Witch Tia"!
Choose your team and fight for victory! Event Period: Thurs, Mar 27th after maint. to Thurs, May 29th 01:59 (UTC)
Step 1
Pick your team!
Step 2
Complete daily missions
to earn points!
Step 3
Claim rewards
based on your score!
Step 4
Plus, accumulate points to help your team rank higher and earn better rewards!
*Once you pick your team, you cannot change teams, except for Change Day.
Get a special reward for participating in the Lumia Academy Battle!
All Participants [1 Skin Data Set]
(Sent directly to your mailbox)
*The Skin Data Box given as a Participation Reward will be distributed to your mailbox within 30 days after the event has concluded. *The 1st place team reward will be issued to the team with the highest accumulated score. *Rewards based on team rankings will be sent to your account within 30 days after the event ends.
*Daily missions reset at 20:00 (UTC)
[Normal/Ranked] Hunt 15 Wild Animals (0 /15)
OR [Cobalt Protocol] Collect Heal Packs 6 times (0 /6)
[Normal/Ranked] Accumulate 150 Credits (0 /150)
OR [Cobalt Protocol] Accumulate 450 Credits (0 /450)
[Normal/Ranked] Eliminate 3 Test Subjects (0 /3)
OR [Cobalt Protocol] Eliminate Test Subjects 12 times (0 /12)
Get 1 point every 10 minutes of gameplay!
Current Playtime : 0 mins
*The difficulty of the daily missions is adjusted each day based on your team's ranking from the previous day.
*Daily missions are subject to change according to the game updates.
Get rewards according to your score!
25 Points
300 A-Coin
50 Points
1 Research Center
Data Box
75 Points
500 A-Coin
100 Points
200 Event NP (7 Days)
*Once you reach 100 points, the count resets, allowing you to start again and earn more rewards.
*However, you need to claim all your rewards (25/50/75/100) in order to reset the count.
Bonus Rewards are awarded based on your team's score!
100 Points
500 A-Coin
300 Points
100 Event NP (7 Days)
500 Points
1 Skin Data Set
700 Points
300 Event NP (7 Days)
*You can only claim each bonus reward once.
Choose your team and fight for victory! Event Period: Thurs, Mar 27th after maint. to Thurs, May 29th 01:59 (UTC)
You can check event details
on the official PC version homepage.