Starting from Season 7, the experiment phases on Lumia Island will be clearly divided.

The experiment will be divided into three stages based on the possibility of revival.
Transitions will be enhanced according to phase changes,
allowing participants to fully immerse themselves in the experience.

To achieve this, we will first improve the in-game HUD to help players engage more deeply in the experiment

Just like in chess, the first phase of the experiment is the Opening.

This phase corresponds to the period from Day 1 to Night 2.
During this time, even if your entire team is eliminated,
the experiment won’t end, and you’ll be able to rejoin.

In order to make this possible, we will adjust the revival wait time.

A penalty based on individual death counts will be added to the revival wait time, and when all team members are eliminated, the total wait time will be synchronized equally for everyone, with the additional penalty applied.

The second phase of the experiment is Middlegame.

It begins on Day 3, where you'll need to spend credits to revive your teammates.
You wil also experience some of the visual effects we will be be adding to the game to enhance the transition between Phases.

The main boss monster of the island, Wickeline, will spawn on Night 4 and the restricted area in the Research Center will remain accessible until she arrives.

By Day 5, Kiosk revivals will no longer be available, and you will only be able to revive teammates via Lumi.

The last phase is the Endgame.

This phase will begin on Day 6.
During this phase, revival is not possible, except for the winners of the Temporary Safe Zones.

The Temporary Safe Zones and Final Safe Zone will each have unique background music, enhancing your immersion in the battle.

Win the Final Safe Zone, achieve Checkmate and end the experiment.

A new upgraded Lumi is coming!

And it's getting a new feature that allows you to exchange unnecessary items.

You can drag the items you want to exchange into the exchange menu, or simply click on the items you wish to exchange from the list.

Through Lumi, you can:
- Extract materials from already crafted items,
- Upgrade consumables using Credits,
- Exchange unused special materials for other special materials,
- Refund gadgets you can no longer use in exchange for Credits.
However, note that Lumi does not always offer fair trades, so make sure to think carefully before making your decision.

  • < Material Collection >

  • < Consumables Upgrade >

  • < Special Materials Exchange >

  • < Credit Refund >

A new gadget will be added to Season 7, Hunter's Pot.

This special gadget helps when food is scarce on the island.

You can install it on your location and interact with it to collect special food.

You can also set it near a campfire to get warmer and prepare even better food!

Additionally, mushrooms will begin to grow throughout Lumia Island.

These mushrooms, along with the Hunter's Pot, will greatly help in solving the food shortage on the island.

We're adding options for item exchange on Season 7.

These include Alex's Weapon Supply Box
and Portable Crafters,
which can be obtained through Mythic Air Supplies.

Selected Exchange Items provide you with different options, allowing you to choose and acquire the equipment you need.

In Season 7, enhanced basic attack skills with additional effects will no longer be canceled once initiated.

You can check event details
on the official PC version homepage.